UPS Restroom Renovations

Location: North Syracuse, Ithaca, East Syracuse
Job Type: Renovation

Project Description:
MZ Construction is proud to be involved in the restroom renovations at multiple UPS facilities across New York. At the North Syracuse location, the project is wrapping up successfully, showcasing our commitment to quality and efficiency. With acoustical ceilings installed, toilet partitions erected, FRP in place, and accessories mounted, these renovations are enhancing the workplace environment for UPS employees. Similar progress is being made at the Ithaca and East Syracuse sites, with completion anticipated soon.

Shout Outs:

  • Shout out to Derik Gibbs, he ran all the UPS jobs and did an exceptional job on all fronts.

  • Special thanks to Andy Zombek for his dedication to ensuring project success and timely completion.

Project Synopsis:
As UPS invests in upgrading its facilities, MZ Construction is proud to contribute to these renovations. By delivering quality workmanship on time and within budget, we demonstrate our commitment to client satisfaction and project excellence.


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